Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Alaskan Republicans may support Ron Paul

Alaskans may nominate fringe candidate
(the word "fringe" is used just in case we think he's an approved CFR candidate)

by Channel 2 News Staff
Monday, Dec. 10. 2007

ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- In a poll conducted Monday, Dec. 10, Channel 2 News asked which GOP presidential candidate Alaskan Republicans plan to support in the Super Tuesday caucus.

A slim majority of respondents support Ron Paul, a Texas congressman known for wanting to abolish the IRS and opposing the Iraq War. (Ron Paul is better known for his strong constitutional voting record and his non association with the CFR-Bilderberg groups, the United Nations clansmen, and Skull & Bonesmen.)

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who's surging in national polls as well as Iowa caucus polls, came in a close second.

Which Republican presidential candidate will you support in Alaska's caucus?

Rudy Giuliani -- 14%
Mike Huckabee -- 22%
John McCain -- 9%
Ron Paul -- 29%
Mitt Romney -- 9%
Fred Thompson -- 12%
Other -- 6%

All polls conducted by Channel 2 News and are unscientific. (No kidding)

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